i-Ready Diagnostic: A Complete Picture of Student Performance and Growth
K-12 adaptive assessment with easy-to-understand reports, next steps for instruction and embedded resources designed to provide teachers with actionable insight.
i-Ready Assessment
Powerful online, interactive lessons for Grades K to 8 that motivate students on their path to proficiency and growth.
i-Ready Learning
English Language Arts Programs
An explicit, systematic approach to instruction and rich, engaging texts that draw students to the center of learning every day for Grades K to 5.
Magnetic Reading
An adaptive assessment designed to provide teachers with actionable insight into student needs.
Magnetic Reading Middle East
Designed to help younger learners (Grades K-5) become strong readers through explicit instruction in close reading strategies and engaging, authentic texts across diverse genres.
Ready Reading
Supplementary writing rogram for Grades K to 2 that relies on evidence-based approaches that match the rigour of today's writing standards.
Ready Writing
Comprehensive, digitized, standards-aligned supplemental resources for English Language Arts, all in one place.
Teacher Toolbox - Reading/ELA
Designed to provide intensive intervention in foundational skills for students in Grades 3–12 through age-appropriate, engaging instruction.
Phonics for Reading
Mathematics Programs
Highly-rated, comprehensive Grades K–8 print and digital Core Math program designed to help students develop deep conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills.
i-Ready Classroom Mathematics
Designed to enable students to develop a deeper understanding of mathematics concepts through the embedded Standards for Mathematical Practice.
Ready Mathematics
Comprehensive, digitized, standards-aligned supplemental resources for English Language Arts, all in one place.
Teacher Toolbox - Mathematics
Early Childhood & Special Education
Early Childhood Screening and Assessment inventories that pinpoint understanding in the domains tied to early development to determine school readiness.
BRIGANCE Early Childhood
Assessment inventories and instructional materials that focus on key developmental, academic, and transitional domains and can help develop accurate, comprehensive, and meaningful IEPs.